My "cousins"

These two beautiful creatures are MB's nieces, Willa, on the left, and Talia on the right. They visited recently, and I was able to play with them at MB's friend Judy's house. Unfortunately, none of the photographs from that event survived the transition from the photographer's eye to the camera lens. MB reassured Clem that it was ok; her brother doesn't take very good pictures either. While at Judy's, Willa and Talia were able to have sword fights with Judy's sons, Milo and Ivan, admire Judy's youngest boy, Asa, then swim at the pool, pet the horse and cuddle chicks. I had fun myself, though toward the end of our visit I was forced to give a whupping to an entire gang of wild dogs that plague Judy's property. Sure, they were bigger than I, but I kicked their wild dog butts. Yes, I did. There were six to ten huge dogs, all foaming at the mouth and threatening to eat the children. I threw myself between the children and harm's way and earned the praises and tearful thanks of everyone there.

These pictures were taken by MB's parents when the girls were up in Blowing Rock. I understand that my services would have been appreciated, since while they were there, both girls were threatened by MB's parents' dogs. Gilda is a small, ratlike creature who wiggles menancingly, while William, who is admittedly immature, causes great consternation to visitors by leaping over their heads. Then he, too, wiggles menacingly.
Anyway, I'm very proud of my lovely, delightful cousins, and can't wait to see them again. Whenever I am with them, I will protect them from all harm.