Dancing Figs

Ok, this might not be translating just as MB and Clem and I would have it, but what this tiny little picture is meant to show was such a beautiful display of light and spirit that I'm going to try to describe it. Clem did it. Frankly, he wasn't much into the idea of decorating the fig trees in front of the house, but MB was insistent, and he had some encouragement from his earlier success with the jack o'lanterns. Though the photo doesn't quite convey the beauty and color of his light display, MB and Clem and I enjoyed it every evening from the first week of December right into New Year's weekend. Each night we admired it as we set off on our walk, and as we came back to the house -- every time -- we would stop and stare at it and observe that no one else in the neighborhood had crafted such a perfect holiday expression. The trees looked like two figures dancing. I think MB and Clem liked to think they were making some kind of statement to the neighborhood.
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